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IT & Media Centre of TU Dort­mund University

Mixed-language pages

A language attribute is stored on your TYPO3 pages that corresponds to the page language.

Occasionally it may be necessary to display content in different languages on one page. In this case, the parts of the page that do not correspond to the page language should be provided with a language attribute so that screen readers can read them out correctly.

For this purpose, we have extended the Rich Text Editor, which is available in many content elements, to include the option of setting a language attribute.

What should I mark up with the language attribute?

Opinions differ as to what should be marked with a language attribute.
We follow the DoBuS recommendations here.

  • Terms that have already passed into German usage: no attribution.
    Example: Website, toast
  • Individual words and short word groups: no tagging
  • Sections: Tagging
  • Entire pages: If the entire content of a page is written in a language other than the page language, each section must be marked up. However, it is generally better to avoid such constructs and add a note in the content area that the page only exists in the other language and link to it. Then the content is on a page with the appropriate language attribute and nothing needs to be specially marked up.
  • Forms: As it is not possible to translate forms automatically, the names of the input fields are sometimes given in both languages in many websites.
    Example: Note/Suggestion
    It is not possible to label a language attribute here.
    We recommend duplicating the form and translating the labels in the copy. You then have forms in both languages and can insert the appropriate one depending on the page language.

To mark up a word with the language attribute in the RTE, select the relevant text, click on the button (Set language) and select the language in which your text, which differs from the page language, is written.

German and English are currently available here. We can expand this selection if required.

After you have marked up your text, it will be highlighted in gray in the editor field so that you can find these passages again later. This has no visual effect on your website.

Labeling with the language attribute in the RTE
Paragraph labeled with the language attribute in the RTE


The following section contains both German and English text passages

Einreichung der Nachweise / Submission of documents

Haben Sie alle Aktivitäten, die Sie sich für das Zertifikat "Studium International" anrechnen lassen wollen, durchgeführt und möchten nun Ihr Zertifikat erhalten? Laden Sie hier Ihre Nachweise hoch; wir kommen danach per E-Mail auf Sie zu.

Sollten Sie keine Möglichkeit haben, uns Ihre Nachweise als pdfs über diese Seite hochzuladen, können Sie sie auch per Post an uns schicken.

Have you completed all the activities that you want to be recognized for the "Studium International" certificate and would now like to receive your certificate? Upload your certificates here; we will then contact you by e-mail.

If you are unable to upload your certificates as pdfs via this page, you can also send them to us by post.

In accordance with the recommendations made above, the word groups "Einreichung der nachweise" is not marked, but the paragraphs that are written entirely in German are.