Pin news and events
It is possible to pin news or events to the top of the list view regardless of the given sort order. They remain there until they are no longer displayed anyway due to a time limit or slipping into the archive, or until you remove the pin.
This option should be used sparingly and only for really important news and events. Please consider before:
- Will I displace other important news or events from the top position? Please discuss this with your webadmin if necessary.
- Will the news or event be displayed in other websites?
- Does it collide with already pinned news or events?
Pinning in frontend

In the frontend, pinned news and events are marked by a green pin icon.
In the example above, the news is sorted by time in descending order, so the newest news is at the top. By pinning, this order has now been changed. The news from 15.05.2023 is at the first position, the actually younger news from 30.06.2023 slips to position two.
If more than one news is pinned, the sort order within the pinned news is also respected.
The behavior is analogous for events. Only the events in the calendar in the offcanvas menu (top) are still sorted in ascending order by time. Pinning is not possible here.
Pinning in the backend

To pin a news or event, open it in the corresponding folder for editing.
On the Generaltab there is a Message Pin checkbox that you simply need to tick.