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IT & Media Centre of TU Dort­mund University

New content element: Accordion Plus

  • Further development
  • Editorial notes
Neues Inhaltselement © TU Dortmund

The Accordion Plus offers many new functions and can replace the previous accordion.

With the previous accordion, editors only had a limited number of implementation options, as content always had to be integrated in the forms text or text and image.

With Accordion Plus, different content elements can now be used. This offers completely new and flexible options for structuring content. In addition, it also has convenience functions that have often been requested.

Accordion Plus is an independent content element that can initially be used side by side with the old accordion. Previously used accordions are not automatically converted to Accordion Plus - this must be done manually.

Why is it worth using the new Accordion Plus?

Flexible application options

The following content elements can be used in Accordion Plus:

  • Text
  • Text in two columns
  • Text and image left / right
  • Responsive table
  • video
  • File links
  • Text and image tiles
  • ITMC WebApps: contacts, publication lists
  • Two-column design

Function: Expand or collapse all elements

All accordion elements can be expanded or collapsed at the same time using a button at the top right of each accordion plus.

Function: Anchor links to accordion elements

An anchor link can be used to refer directly to an accordion element from any internal page. The respective element is focused, opened and highlighted in color by the browser.

The Accordion Plus in use (example)

Spaghetti sind lange, dünne Nudeln, die in der italienischen Küche besonders beliebt sind. Sie eignen sich perfekt für eine Vielzahl von Saucen wie Carbonara, Bolognese oder einfache Tomatensauce. Ihre Vielseitigkeit macht sie zu einem unverzichtbaren Bestandteil jeder Vorratskammer.

Fusilli Sorte Vorteile Geeignet für
Normal Klassiker, vielseitig einsetzbar Alle Arten von Saucen, Nudelaufläufe
Vollkorn Reich an Ballaststoffen, nussiger Geschmack Gesunde Ernährung, herzhafte Gerichte
Glutenfrei Für Glutenunverträglichkeit geeignet Glutenfreie Ernährung, leichte Saucen