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IT & Media Centre of TU Dort­mund University

New content element: Text with 30% image

  • Further development
  • Editorial notes
Neues Inhaltselement © TU Dortmund

In addition to the existing text with image elements, there are now two more.

The existing content elements Text and image right and Text and image left have been renamed Text and image right (50/50) and Text and image left (50/50) . They continue to behave as before: 50% of the content area is taken up by the image and 50% by the text.

This division is well suited for images in landscape format or square images, but in portrait format the image often seemed too powerful.

We have therefore developed two additional elements: text and image on the right (70/30) and text and image on the left (30/70)
Here the text takes up 70% and the image 30% of the content area.

You can find examples on our topic page.