Accessible Videos
Accessibility for videos means that they must contain subtitles that can be switched on. YouTube allows subtitles to be generated automatically. However, the subtitles have to be corrected because they still contain errors and are not case-sensitive. How to edit and add them is explained on YouTube's page.
If you want to make subtitles yourself, free programs like Aegisub are suitable. DoBuS has published a tutorial on how to create subtitles.
Subtitles for people with hearing impairments must also carry information about other sounds if they are important for understanding the action. They are placed in parentheses (door slams).
Audio descriptions are important for blind users. They describe what can be seen in the picture and is necessary for understanding. An audio description can only be omitted if the audio track already contains all the information, for example in the case of pure interviews (talking heads). YouTube players do not yet offer the option of adding audio descriptions as with subtitles. Therefore, a second film should be offered with an audio description. For audio descriptions, the implementation service of DoBuS can support you. On the page of BIK there are further hints for accessible videos.
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