Two Column Design
The Two Column Design content element lets you place content in two columns of equal width next to each other.
One possible application could be, for example, a person tile on the left and explanatory text to the right.
The two-column design content element is used for this display.
In the small device view, the text is displayed below the tile.
If it is only about displaying text or images in two columns, you can also resort to the elements Text in two columns, Text with image and 2 images in a row.
To use the two-column design, first create a new content element and select the "Two-column design" element on the Special tab. This creates a content area that is divided into two columns. It serves only as a container to hold additional content. Since the division into two columns allows the content to take up less space in the frontend, you do not have all the usual content elements to choose from.

Multiple content elements can also be inserted in the columns. Here you should note, however, that on small devices first all contents of the left column and then the contents of the right column are displayed below. This can cause content connections to be lost. Then it makes sense to divide the content into several content elements of the type two-column design and to insert only one content per column.
Content elements of the "Two-column design" type must not be nested. Also, they cannot be inserted in the interactive elements Tabs and Chordion.
The two-column design also cannot be inserted as a content element in a news item. If you want to use it in a news, you would have to create the news of the "Internal link" type and insert the content on the linked standard page.