Central Image Pool
Stock photos are general images that can be used in many different situations. TU Dortmund University has its own pool of images shot for this purpose. Students in everyday situations, or spaces at TU Dortmund University can be found from many different perspectives and can be used free of charge.
Are you looking for a new header image, a preview image for a news item, or an illustration for one of your pages? Just browse through the central image pool, there you will find images for almost all university topics.
These images are already provided with the required meta and copyright information, so that you can easily integrate them. In order to keep all metadata (copyright information and alt texts), the images from the image pool must not be copied or moved. In order to illustrate your pages as varied as possible, feel free to help yourself generously by using the image pool and only use images more than once if it is absolutely necessary.
If you cannot find an image you need for your website in the central image pool or the image gallery in the service portal, you can use this form to enquire whether there is a suitable image for the desired motif or topic in TU Dortmund University's image archive.