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IT & Media Centre of TU Dort­mund University

Request for Images

As part of its TYPO3 content management system, TU Dortmund University has a central image pool with images that show the TU Dortmund University campus or students in everyday situations and can be used free of charge. Additionally, there is an image archive in the service portal with images for use in press and information material.

If you cannot find an image you need for your website in the central image pool or the image gallery in the service portal, you can use this form to enquire whether there is a suitable image for the desired motif or topic in TU Dortmund University's image archive. Please describe as precisely as possible what kind of image you are looking for and for what purpose you want to use it when filling out the request form, so that our staff can find a suitable photo for you more quickly.

If your desired image motif is not specific to TU Dortmund University, you can also search for suitable images in photo databases. If you have an Adobe Creative Cloud license through the ITMC, you have access to almost all Adobe stock photos (

Request form

Kontaktdaten │ Contact data
Bildmotiv │ Image
Bitte beschreiben Sie möglichst genau, was für ein Bild Sie sich wünschen (Motiv, Format, Stimmung). Schreiben Sie auch auf, was Sie sich nicht für Ihr Bildmotiv wünschen, falls Sie bereits eine konkrete Vorstellung davon haben. │ Please describe as precisely as possible what kind of picture you would like (motif, format, mood). Also state what you do not want for your image if you already have a concrete idea.
Bitte beschreiben Sie, wo beziehungsweise wie Sie das Bild auf Ihrer Webseite nutzen wollen (als Headerbild, für News-Meldungen, für eine Bildkachel). │ Please describe where or how you want to use the image on your website (as a header image, for news items, for an image tile).
Fügen Sie einen Link zu einem beispielhaften Foto oder Motiv ein, das verdeutlicht, was für ein Bildmotiv Sie sich wünschen. │ Insert a link to an sample photo or motif that illustrates what kind of image you are looking for.

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Den Link zu unserer Datenschutzerklärung mit weiteren Angaben zum Datenschutz finden Sie unten auf der Seite.

Your information will only be used within TU Dortmund University to answer your questions and concerns. Your data will be deleted as soon as the request has been clarified. By submitting the form, your request will be processed to fulfill the tasks of TU Dortmund University with Art. 6 (1) (e) GDPR.
The link to our privacy notice with further information on data protection can be found at the bottom of the page.