Fallbacktype Fallback
With the Fallbacktype Fallback, in addition to the translated pages/content, those are displayed that are created in the leading language of the site ( here German ). This is explained by the following examples:
Example: Page 1
On page 1, three content elements exist on the German page. Only the first two have been translated.
Example: Page 2
On page 2, three content elements exist on the German side. All three have been translated and another one has been added on the English page. Since the page was not translated in connected mode but in free mode, it is not recognized that e.g. Heading 1 is the translation of Heading 1. This is a rather constructed example and will hardly occur in reality.
Example: German only
The German only page has not been translated. Therefore, when you select the English language, the German page appears.
Example: English only
The English only page contains content only in the English version. Since it is not possible to create a translation of a page if there is no page in the leading language ( in our examples this is German ), however, an empty German page exists, which is also displayed in the menu.